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Te Arawhata readers are 70% Māori, 30% Tangata Tiriti. They read Te Arawhata because they want to keep up with, connect with, and learn more about Māori culture. 70% say that reading Te Arawhata has increased their participation in arts, media, and events related to te ao Māori. They’re great, GREAT, curious, enthusiastic people who love supporting kaupapa related to te ao Māori.

Tell them about your event.

Running an event related to te ao Māori or the Tangata Tiriti journey?

A whole lot of people in our audience would most probably love to come. List it with us - the first time is free!

Share your news, a cool product, release, or resource with them.

We’ve got plenty of options from $50 to $500+. Flick Lizzie an email telling her what it is and she’ll give you some choices.

Want to see an example of a newsletter before locking anything in? Flick Lizzie an email on and she’ll send you last week’s (or sign up for free and check ya inbox on Tūrei/Tuesday 😉).

Our only prerequisite for advertisers is that your organisation believes in our mission to help more people to strengthen their connection with te ao Māori and that you’re offering something we truly reckon our readers will like. So yeah, if you’re still reading this, we’re pretty sure you’d be a great partner.