Kia ora!

The Te Arawhata team is made up of:

Lizzie Dunn
Writer & Editor (+ Grace’s cousin + Han’s mate). Nō Te Whānau ā Apanui, Austria, Ireland, England, & Rarotonga.

Grace Anaru
Writer & Marketing Co-ordinator (+ Lizzie’s cousin + Han’s mate). Nō Te Whānau ā Apanui, Austria, & Holland.

Han Craig
Art Director
(+ Lizzie + Grace’s mate). Nō Ngā Puhi & England.

I know we should have photos here… they’re on the to do list.

Let’s get things right from the get-go; we’re not cultural experts (in fact, annoyingly, the more we learn about te ao Māori, the more we realise how much we don’t know).

We’re bridge builders - here to connect you with all the most mīharo news, events, and kete fillers helping us along our own cultural journey, so they might help you in yours too.

We’re good at that because we’re the nerdiest of Ngāti Nerds. Our experience working and studying in pretty much every area of the media, and under quite a few te reo Māori providers has helped too!

Our number one priority is making this an inclusive place for everyone interested in te ao Māori - whether you’re Māori, Pākehā, Tauiwi, or alien from outer space - to deepen their connection with the Māori world.

He aha ai/Why? Because we know the joy and sense of belonging it brings, and because we know that’s not only good for you but our culture as a whole.

If you want to kōrero, email us: